Portugal is again attractive for foreigners to live In 2016 there was an increase in the granting of new residence permits, which indicates that there is a resumption of attractiveness of Portugal as an immigration destination. This increase is explained by the perception that Portugal is a safe country with tax advantages over the regime of the non-habitual resident. 24 Jul 2017 min de leitura In 2016 there was an increase in the granting of new residence permits, which indicates that there is a resumption of attractiveness of Portugal as an immigration destination. This increase is explained by the perception that Portugal is a safe country with tax advantages over the regime of the non-habitual resident. The number of foreigners living in Portugal increased by 2.3% in 2016 compared to 2015, reaching almost 400,000, reversing the downward trend that has been observed since 2010, reveals the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF). Citizens from European Union countries (France plus 33%), United Kingdom (plus 12.5%), Spain (plus 11.1%)) and Asian nationals (China - plus 5.5%) Were the ones that had the most impact in sustaining the growth of immigrants living in our country. On the other hand, the continent that descended the most was the African with a negative percentage of 5.7%. The total investment amounted to almost 875 million euros, with the value of 1,329 real estate acquisitions totaling approximately 787 million euros and the 84 capital transfer operations in value equal to or greater than one million euros arrived To almost 87 million euros. Source: Expresso Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado