Home installment paid to bank goes down again in October

Is Euribor´s descent reflected in its home delivery? In fact, the decrease in the monthly installment to the bank reflects the fall in interest rates. The installment paid to the bank by customers with mortgage loans indexed to Euribor at three and six months decreased again in October, following the latest revisions,...
02 Oct 2019 min de leitura
A customer with a 30-year EUR 150,000 loan, indexed to six-month Euribor with a spread of 1%, will pay from this October: EUR 455.79, which means EUR 10,99 less than the last revision of the installment (in April).
In the case of a loan under the same conditions, but indexed to Euribor at three months, the customer will pay € 454.20, in this case € 5.93 less than the one paid since July.
Euribor rates are the main index in Portugal in bank contracts that finance home purchases. The six month Euribor is the most used, followed by the three month rate.
Interest rates remain on negative ground. In September, the six-month Euribor rate averaged -0.394%, a new historical low, and the three-month rate average of -0.418%.
Source: Minute News (10/01/2019)
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